In the beginning God Created…
TruthSeekers Foundation and its partners share a love of all that God has created. All of the people on Earth are the sons and daughters of God, and all have a story to tell.
TruthSeekers Foundation is open to all Seekers of Truth, regardless of religious background.

The family is the core unit of society and the best place to learn principles of truth. Through TruthSeekers Academy, we empower parents to teach faith-based principles of truth to their homeschooling children.
Based on the Universal Model, our homeschooling curriculum will help youth develop rock-solid foundations in sciences, history, and other essential subjects that complement your traditional values and religious convictions.
TruthSeekers Academy is the repository of workbooks and curriculum authored primarily by Heidi Barlow and built partly on the Universal Model. The intent is to develop a robust curriculum for families and those who want to learn and teach Biblically-sound subjects, including Science, History, English, Math, and other courses designed to help strengthen the traditional family unit, and instill sound faith in the Bible and sacred history.

Discovery Forum will provide opportunities to bring together resources from a variety of Christian groups, including education conferences for homeschool students and parents in Utah and the Midwest (Nauvoo area). These will help parents re-learn some traditional ways of teaching their families.
DF will also seek to have a presence in key locations to provide “Discovery Den” learning experiences for young learners to help them recognize the hand of the Creator in Nature.
DF will seek short, robust video education clips to provide learning opportunities across an extremely wide range of subjects, each coinciding with TruthSeekers Academy curriculum and each designed to testify of Christ and His work in some way.
TruthSeekers Adventures provides hands-on tours, and excursions to experience Creation and His-story first hand. More than just a vacation, TruthSeekers Adventures provide unique, spirit-filled opportunities to learn things very few get to experience!
You will learn the true science behind the Earth’s major events, such as Noah’s Flood—science you will find nowhere else! TruthSeekers Adventures brings together science and history in a very unique way to show God’s Covenant; an experience you won’t want to miss!

If a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth one million, what’s the value of several days of first-hand experience on a UM GeoTour?
No textbook can imitate the adventure of personal exploration and first-hand discovery. The immense catastrophic power of the Flood and the full gravity of the hundreds of Universal Model discoveries can only be fathomed as we step away from our screens and touch nature with our own fingers.
These tours consist primarily of excursions into Nature for the purpose of testifying of the Creator by examining and understanding Creation, the Universal Flood, and their significance in our lives. Dean Sessions is an integral part of these tours as author of the Universal Model.
We offer educational tours to some of the most majestic and spectacular geological sites in the country and around the world. Join us for our upcoming tours and begin to experience the Universal Model with your own eyes.

This group includes tours manifesting and testifying of the Savior and His covenant with mankind. It includes Church, American, and World history. Hannah Stoddard is an integral part of these tours as well as other guest guides, including Robert Wright.

In the beginning God Created…
TruthSeekers Foundation and its partners share a love of all that God has created. All of the people on Earth are the sons and daughters of God, and all have a story to tell.
TruthSeekers Foundation is open to all Seekers of Truth, regardless of religious background.

Russ Barlow
Director | TruthSeekers Foundation
Russell H. Barlow, a TruthSeeker from Las Vegas, Nevada, is Director and Founder of TruthSeekers Foundation and its affiliates.
Russ continues to function as developmental and chief editor of the Universal Model project where he has worked since 2005. He also serves as lead editor for the Joseph Smith Foundation, but his greatest passion has been sharing the truth about the Earth’s Creation, the Flood, and the divine role of America in our time. He regularly organizes and leads UMGeoTours and Covenant Path tours, both of which he founded in 2019. With the organization of TruthSeekers Foundation in 2020, he hopes to reaffirm the message of scientific and traditional historical truth as contained in scripture to the rising generations. Russ & his wife Heidi have 15 children and a growing number of grandchildren.

Heidi Barlow
Director | TruthSeekers Foundation
Heidi S. Barlow, a TruthSeeker from Las Vegas, Nevada, is Director and Cofounder of TruthSeekers Foundation.
As an active homeschooler, Heidi creates project based curriculum based on biblical principles and true science, based on the Universal Model science project. Her experience with special needs kids, including her own deaf and austistic children, have given her unique insights into what helps kids excel. Heidi is also the director or TruthSeekers Academy, a curriculum series. She hopes to strengthen the confidence of homeschool parents in teaching truth despite its conflict with modern progressive thought. Heidi also actively teaches parents and their children through selective online classes.

Xander Barlow
Video Production & Guide | TruthSeekers Foundation
Alexander D. Barlow assists in the videography and post production of the Foundation’s media. A talented contributor, Xander helps create 3d models, brings a level of professionalism to the TruthSeekers projects. Xander is also training to lead adventurous TruthSeekers on Discover Valour Tours at a future time.

Ashlee Barlow
Videographer and Event Organizer | TruthSeekers Foundation
With an artistic eye and a love of travel, Ashlee L. Barlow captures our best moments and pulls together video and photography for all that is good. She is instrumental in organizing and coordinating the busy schedules of the TruthSeekers Foundation directors and tours. She is planning to co-lead adventurous TruthSeekers on future Discover Valour Tours with her husband Xander.

Dennis Cox
Homeschool Field Trip Liaison | TruthSeekers Foundation
Dennis W. Cox is an avid learner and supporter of the Universal Model science project who loves to share his passion with younger learners. He actively organizes and leads groups of all ages into the natural world to experience God’s Creation through hands-on discovery and experimentation. Dennis hopes to inspire a new generation of TruthSeekers who love the scientific truths ensconced in scripture. Dennis also acts as a guest guide for TruthSeekers Adventures tours.

Hannah Stoddard
Executive Director | Joseph Smith Foundation
L. Hannah Stoddard is the executive director of the Joseph Smith Foundation, and producer or director of seven documentary feature films. In addition to directing Joseph Smith Foundation projects for over a decade, she has worked as a history and literature teacher, graphic design artist, software developer, videographer, project manager, agriculturist and research assistant. Her work focuses primarily on Latter-day Saint Church history and doctrine, educational philosophy, and defending the Prophet Joseph Smith. Hannah serves as an expert guide on TruthSeekers Covenant Path Tours, where she brings a wealth of knowledge about early Christian heritage, both American and worldwide. Hannah hopes to inspire people of all ages to learn and love their Christian heritage.

Dean Sessions
Founder & Author | Universal Model
Dean W. Sessions is the author of the Universal Model, a 3-volume study of Nature and other areas, including the science behind the Universal Flood as described in the Bible. Beginning in the early 1990s, Dean conducted countless experiments and directed dozens of research projects over the next three decades, eventually publishing the first volume of the UM in 2017, followed by volume 2 in 2020. He continues to work on the research and writing of the third and final volume. Dean serves as a passionate and knowledgeable guide on TruthSeekers UMGeoTours excursions into the natural world.

Jacob Householder
President | American Center for Civic Training
Jacob is the president and co-founder of the Freedom Action Center, Director of Training at the Madison Liberty Institute, and director of the Restoration Generation at the Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration. He is a public speaker, researcher, and writer who believes America can be healed through civil public discourse and proper education. He seeks to unify America by promoting and highlighting bipartisan solutions instead of partisan problems. He has assisted with various projects, such as the Harvard Divinity School’s Religious Literacy Project. Jacob is currently studying Financial Economics and is preparing to apply to graduate school to attain a PhD in Economics. He has assisted with the creation of half a dozen educational nonprofits over the past several years. Jacob is an advocate of liberty and has dedicated his life to teaching principles of successful government and making hopeful solutions popular.

TruthSeekers Press is the printing house for all TruthSeekers materials and any other like-minded, aspiring authors. Let us know if we can help you.